Tips for Certified Wineries: Chapters 2 & 4
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Tips for Certified Wineries: Chapters 2 & 4

April 24, 2017

These tips are to help you update your certification documents a little each month to prepare for your June 1 through July 15 inspection to achieve SIP Certified Winery. Although the tips do not cover every Standard (wine processing rules), they help you complete the major milestones.

Read each specific Standard as you implement and document them. Unless otherwise specified, documentation should reflect practices from December 1 through June/July.

For Full Inspection Wineries

Take this month to complete Chapters 2 and 4.

  • 2.1.1 You must record your monthly water use for the winery and tasting room (if applicable). Attach water use records.
  • 2.1.2 You must check for water leaks at least monthly and report/repair immediately. Attach monitoring schedule and repair log.
  • 2.2.1 You must inspect and maintain your water treatment system throughout the year as required by your permit. Attach maintenance logs and permit.
  • 2.3.2 Sumps and/or traps must be inspected monthly. Attach maintenance records.
  • 4.1.1 You must have receiving records for all grapes received. Attach three samples of grape receiving records.

For Doc. Inspection Wineries

What to Document for the June/July Inspection

  • Complete Standards listed in the Winery Cycle 2 & 3 Standards 2017.

What to do This Month

Take this month to complete Chapters 2 and 4.

  • 2.1.1 You must record your monthly water use for the winery and tasting room (if applicable). Attach water use records.
  • 2.1.2 You must check for water leaks at least monthly and report/repair immediately. Attach monitoring schedule and repair log.
  • 2.2.1 You must inspect and maintain your water treatment system throughout the year as required by your permit. Attach maintenance logs and permit.
  • 2.3.2 Sumps and/or traps must be inspected monthly. Attach maintenance records.

Important Due Dates

  • May – Contact an inspector to get your inspection on the calendar between June 1 and July 14.
  • June 1 – July 14 – Complete your inspection. Please note that applicants are subject to a $250-500 late fee penalty for documentation received after July 25. Incomplete inspection reports and documentation are subject to a not eligible vote.
  • August – Certification Advisory Committee (CAC) votes on eligibility.
  • August/September – SIP staff sends notification of eligibility.
  • September – Payment of certification fees.
  • December 15 – Submit 1.4.1 harvest noise testing to inspector.