How You Can Use the SIP Certified Seal
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How You Can Use the SIP Certified Seal

November 4, 2016

With a SIP Certified brand, you should let everyone know about this impressive achievement. SIP Certified illustrates that vineyards and wineries are dedicated to sustainable principles— adherence to rigorous guidelines to make great wines, farm healthy vineyards, and support the well being of workers.

Our SIP Certified seal is available to when you’re ready to shout sustainability from the rooftops (and we fully support you in your efforts!).

Add the seal to your own materials. From the wine label to tasting notes to sales sheets, you can include SIP Certified just about anywhere you can dream up. Talk with your buyers. Consumers want to support sustainable companies and your buyers can help them do that. Restaurants can add the seal to their wine lists, distributors can highlight a sustainable portfolio, and stores can call out SIP Certified with a shelf talker or end cap. Here are a few suggestions for where to use the hard-earned SIP Certified: Sustainability in Practice seal.

How You Can Use the SIP Certified Seal