What to do this February
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What to do this February

posted: January 30, 2023

What to do this month

Update your application a little each month to ease your workload come inspection season (March 15 - July 25th).

February Chapters:

SIP Tip: save cost on your inspection by clearly naming your uploads (ex: 2023_Pest Scouting_My Vineyard) and deleting old documents so your inspector can quickly find and review this year’s documents.

Share the Prohibited Materials List

Have you shared the 2023 Prohibited Materials List (PML)?

Materials on this list have been flagged by the Department of Pesticide Regulation and cannot be used on certified acres between December 1, 2022 and November 30, 2023.

Please share this list with anyone making spray decisions at your vineyard.

Have you heard the Sustainable Winegrowing with Vineyard Team Podcast?

Interviews with leading industry professionals provide listeners with knowledge and insights into the latest science and research in the field of sustainable winegrowing.

Long-form interviews covering topics like integrated pest management, fruit quality, water conservation, and nutrient management are released on the first and third Tuesdays of each month.

These interviews feature experts like Dr. Mark Fuchs of Cornell University, Dr. Michelle Moyer of Washington State University, and Cooperative Extension Specialists and veteran growers.

Visit vineyardteam.org/podcast or search Sustainable Winegrowing with Vineyard Team wherever you enjoy podcasts!

Do you have new team members?

Here’s to another year of sustainable winegrowing! Now's a great time to be sure your staff is aware of your SIP Certified status. Please share this page with your team to ensure they have the tools they need to understand what it means to be SIP Certified.