SIP Buzzwords
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SIP Buzzwords

November 23


In the final installment of our SIP Certified training guides, we've included another piece of training suitable to showcase in employee common areas, staff bulletin boards, or as part of onboarding educational packets. In this section, we highlight some SIP Certified buzzwords that are easy for your customer-facing staff to learn and use as talking points during tastings, phone calls, emails, or any other sales interaction. These words can be used as jump-offs to a larger conversation relative to your sustainable practices, or just serve as conversational anecdotes when faced with questions about your involvement in SIP Certified. 

Miss the Previous Training Guides? 

This four-part training series will empower your customer facing staff to speak with confidence about sustainable practices in the vineyard and the winery.

Take the Quiz

Now that we’ve completed our email training series, we encourage all staff members to take this online course and (fun!) quiz to be schooled in all things SIP Certified.