SIP Smart Session Recordings
April 23
2020Exploring all things sustainability from best winegrowing practices to explaining your certification to marketing tips and tricks.
Whole Lot of SIP
Beth Vukmanic Lopez, SIP Certified Manager, Vineyard Team
Learn what it means to be SIP Certified and about our recent research project through the California Department of Farming and Agriculture on how to talk about sustainability in the market place, plus all the marketing tools available to you. Together we can help wine drinkers everywhere drink sustainably.
You Don’t Know SIP
Paul Crout, Helena Agri-Enterprises
Learn the similarities and differences between three farming systems: sustainable, organic, and biodynamic. Get empowered to convey this information to customers, and train your staff on the differences between these systems.
Form, SIP & Function
Samantha Aguilar, Cambria Wine Estates
Tips for making your tasting room sustainable. From cutting back on excess to practicing sustainability in your every day tasting room tasks, learn how customer-facing practices strengthen messaging tenfold.
Market the SIP out of It
Katie Bruce, Niner Wine Estates; Heather Daenitz, Craft and Cluster; Michelle Barrera,
Learn the latest tactics to get your brand story tightened up and seen on social media. Plus, hear your peers’ biggest fails and wins in the marketing arena.
Do Bears SIP in the Woods?
Zoo to You
We are still bringing you your feathered and furry friends and frenemies so you can learn how they impact winegrowing.