Are you talking about your sustainability efforts?
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Are you talking about your sustainability efforts?

posted: April 22, 2022

More Americans than ever are making environmentally conscious decisions when it comes to the products they buy and the businesses they support. Consumers want to support brands that share their values and take action to preserve the health of the planet. It's important to let them know that your brand protects the people and the planet!

Sustainability at Ancient Peaks

Kyle Coots of Ancient Peaks regularly engages with customers who want to hear more about their sustainable practices. He finds that many people enjoy hearing about how they utilize, benefit, and protect various animal species:

"It seems as though our guests connect strongly with anything 'animal,' and I spend a lot of time talking about our owl boxes and raptor perches that are dotted throughout the landscape."

- Kyle Coots, Ancient Peaks

Many sustainable practices involve our animal friends! The next time a guest asks about what you do to protect the planet, tell them about:

  • Attracting birds of prey to keep vertebrate pests at bay
  • Creating wildlife corridors that provide native species with safe passage through your property
  • Attracting and releasing beneficial insects to keep down insect pests and reduce the use of pesticides
  • Planting cover crops and native plants to attract those beneficial insects
  • Bringing in sheep to graze the vineyards, thus reducing the use of tractors and machines


Create Informational Pamphlets

Create an informational pamphlet to include in your wine club shipments or keep at the tasting room for your members to enjoy and talk about while they sip their next glass of wine.

Check out Ancient Peak's "Made with Paso Robles Sunshine" article below, where they talk about their solar installations and highlight other sustainable practices taking place at the ranch.


Dedicate a Page on Your Website

Check out the links below from some of our SIP Certified members who have dedicated spaces on their websites to communicate their sustainability efforts:

We know you work hard to maintain your SIP Certified status! Dedicating a page on your website for your sustainability initiatives is a great way to make sustainability part of your brand's story.