Consumers care about the future!
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Consumers care about the future!

February 22


Consumers continue to prioritize their health and wellness as we enter the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic. But consumers’ health needs have evolved beyond the basics of physical well-being. With increasing concern for the future health of our families, communities, and the planet, many consumers are being drawn to brands and products that promise a better tomorrow.

In a recent study, 85% of respondents indicated they had shifted towards purchasing sustainable products over the last five years. In a separate study, 72% of respondents indicated they would be willing to pay a premium for sustainable products, 52% would pay a little more, and 20% of global consumers would pay a lot more. Looking forward, the results of a Global Health and Wellness Study from NielsonIQ indicate there will be immense growth in products that support environmental, ethical, and social causes.

In other words, it’s a great time to be SIP Certified! Appeal to conscious consumers by placing the SIP Certified logo on your bottle. Or display a variety of POS materials, such as wine neckers, posters, retail displays, and educational materials. To order, click here!