James the Wine Guy Interview Series: Beth Vukmanic Lopez, SIP Certified Manager
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James the Wine Guy Interview Series: Beth Vukmanic Lopez, SIP Certified Manager

posted: July 22, 2019

Here at SIP Certified we have had the pleasure of working with James Melendez, aka James the Wine Guy, for years. He even has a whole YouTub playlist of reviews of SIP Certified wines!

James says:

Sustainability in wine production is not guess work, a hunch but using a system of principles that have evolved over time that is implemented consistently and constantly.  The development of SIP Certified is refined over time by continuous improvement by stewardship of people experienced and educated in viticulture, viniculture, business and other related disciplines.

SIP Certified approach is to touch the following major points of sustainability:

  • Social responsibility
  • Water conservation
  • Clean water
  • Safe pest management
  • Habitat
  • Energy efficiency
  • Business
  • Third party audit
  • And constant improvement

His interview with Certification Manger, Beth Vukmanic Lopez covers how the program got started, how SIP Certified sets the bar for sustainability, where the program is going next and (most importantly) where you can find sustainable wines!

Read the interview >>>