Vineyard Inspections – Standards to Document & Onsite Inspections
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Vineyard Inspections – Standards to Document & Onsite Inspections

June 5, 2015

SIP is an annually inspected certification. The certification process is a 3-year cycle, with all growers receiving a complete documentation and onsite inspection in Cycle 1. Growers will receive various combinations of documentation inspections, interviews, and onsite inspections for Cycles 2 and 3.

The Inspection Type determines which Standards to document and whether there will be an onsite inspection for the June 1 to July 15 inspections. Document the Standards in the database and schedule an onsite inspection (where applicable) based on the following inspection types:

  • Full (Cycle 1) = complete all Standards documentation and onsite inspection
  • Documentation (Cycle 2 or 3) = complete Standards marked “D”
  • Doc + Onsite (Cycle 2 or 3) = complete Standards marked “D” and “D+O” and onsite inspection

Vineyards in Cycle 2 or 3 with a Documentation inspection may be eligible for the Impromptu inspection. Notification of the Impromptu will occur at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled inspection. Inspection requirements are the same as a Doc + Onsite. Growers can prepare by completing Standards marked “D” and “D+O”.

A single owner managing multiple renewal applicants will receive a maximum of one Doc + Onsite or Impromptu inspection for every two cycles (6 years).