“I always encourage clients to become SIP Certified so we can operate at the highest level on our vineyards and for our employees.”
Jim Stollberg
Maverick Farming
“Producing premium quality winegrapes sustainably is extremely rewarding. Now that we are constantly looking for better ways to do things, our wines, and our margins just keep getting better and better.”
Andy Mitchell
Hahn Family Wines
“We can start buying products that are friendly to the environment. One way to ensure that, at least with wine, is to look for the SIP Certified seal on the bottle.”
Jeff Kralik
The Drunken Cyclist
“Being Certified Sustainable in the SIP program has really helped us tell the story of the Hope Family Vineyard, especially with distributors and customers who want to learn more about our vineyard practices.”
Austin Hope
Hope Family Wines
“By putting our sustainability beliefs into practice, we have the ability to help educate the consumer on why sustainability should be a decision maker in their purchases. SIP Certified makes it easy for us to share this message as they are not only a trusted and credible program, they offer a variety of valuable resources for both the consumers and businesses alike”
Fintan Du Fresne
General Manager
Chamsial Vineyard
“The SIP Certified program has added value to our wines allowing us to demonstrate to our buyers my family’s long standing commitment to sustainable farming and practices.”
John Niven
Cadre Wines
““Just like other certifications, SIP keeps us true to our commitment. We are audited every year and must maintain rigorous records. The certification has really opened our minds to the possibilities we have as a business. We have learned the effort we put forth toward better farming leads us to better wine.””
Chantal Lefebvre
Growing Grapes while Protecting the Lakes
WaterFire Vineyards
“We began participating in SIP Certified from day one, frankly because it is the right thing to do. In the midst of the Great Recession, we were able to sell our grapes 80% above the open market because of SIP Certified. It’s like getting paid to do the right thing.”
Lino Bozzano
“The SIP Certified seal indicates the commitment on behalf of our team to preserving and protecting the natural environment, treating our employees and community with care, and sound business practices with a long-term outlook.”
John Niven
Cadre Wines
“One of the elements that sets SIP apart...is its dedication to preserving and protecting both natural and human resources. Bringing the human factor into the equation requires members to focus not just on the farms, vineyards, or wineries, but who works in those farms, vineyards, and wineries.”
Dave Eckert
“With literally thousands of conventional wines in the marketplace, more and more customers are seeking out wines that are farmed organically and sustainable. Just like the organic section in the produce dept., people are drawn to a better tasting and better for you wine while knowing they are supporting a better planet.”
Mike van Beyre
Wine Director
Bottles Beverage Superstore
“One of my ranch’s regulatory burden was reduced because of SIP Certified. It is an important recognition by the Regional Water Quality Control Board to qualify the program’s ability to be a leader in protecting surface and groundwater. ”
Jim Stollberg
Maverick Farming
“It is obvious to us in the industry that sustainable wines are in high demand and will continue to trend in that direction. There are so many wines to choose from in stores and online, sustainability certification gives the customer a great reason to try something new and to develop loyalty to a winery or vineyard they really like.”
Matt Brain
Baker & Brain
“Deciding to go for the SIP Certified winery achievement, was a natural progression since we are an estate-based vineyard and winery already practicing sustainability in many areas. This level allowed us to dive into our inner workings and look at our whole business from a holistic approach. Including on-site events to waste management and our solar project to waste water systems.”
Fintan Du Fresne
General Manager
Chamisal Vineyards
“When Bristol Farms selected our winery to highlight for April’s Earth Month, they knew that they wanted a winery that paid attention to the land where we produced our wines. Halter Ranch’s SIP Certification differentiated us as just the kind of winery that Bristol Farms was looking to feature. As a result of our sustainable practices, Halter Ranch wines were specially displayed in all 12 of the Southern California Bristol Farms stores, highlighting our commitment to the environment, our people, and the world we live in.”
Halter Ranch