Earth Day Food and Wine Festival: The Players
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Earth Day Food and Wine Festival: The Players

March 11, 2013


Earth Day Food and Wine Festival you ask? Yes, it’s coming up on April 20th and will be at Pomar Junction Vineyard and Winery. Call me biased, but it is one of my most favorite events because of what it stands for. The focus is sustainability and the participants in the event all stand for and believe in this; everything from low to no waste, local products, sustainability in farming, and so much more.

I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to all those that come and set up shop at this event. Amazing wineries and vineyards, olive oil, farms and ranches, restaurants, caterers, sustainable landscape companies, and more.

Another BIG thank you has to go out to the sponsors. We are extremely grateful for their participation as well and you can check them out. Their dedication to sustainability and supporting this event is very appreciated. Sadly, those that sponsor events often go unnoticed so I felt I would give them a big mention here. It really is an impressive group of businesses and people.

Thanks again to all those sponsoring and participating in this event. As cliché as it sounds, you folks make this event what it is!! Hope to see you April 20th at Pomar Junction!!