Awards will recognize individual and organizational excellence in the Green Industry
(Fresno, CA) – The best practices in the green industry will be showcased and recognized at the sixth annual International Green Industry Hall of Fame (IGIHOF) Conference and Induction Ceremony on March 9 in Clovis, CA. The event’s theme is “Celebrating Agriculture, Water and Energy.”
Industry leaders will participate in workshops and panel discussions with a keynote address given by Jim Kor, owner of an international design firm headquartered in Canada. Mr. Kor is on a quest to build the world’s greenest car – an Urbee – through company he founded called Kor Ecologic, and is a pioneer in using 3D printing for auto design. His topic is “Transportation in the 21st Century.”
The 2016 keynote address, educational events and vendor displays and will take place at the Buchanan High School Energy and Environmental Research Center in Clovis, CA, and the Induction Ceremony will be held at the Center for Advanced Research and Technology (CART) in Clovis, CA.
On an annual basis, IGIHOF seeks nominations from the public for individuals or businesses that are working towards an environmentally sustainable future. The 2015 Hall of Fame Inductees will be announced at an evening event March 9 at CART to recognize their contributions to the green industry.
The 2015 nominees include: Agrissentials; Al Gore; Alpine Bank; Ashevillage;
Beneficial State Bank; Betta Group Inc.; California Green Business Program;
Castoro Cellars; Channel Island Outfitters; Cox Recovery Services; Earth Island Institute; Fedele Bauccio; Fetzer Vineyards; Isla Vista Food Co-op; Kebony; Linda Zengen; LittleFootprint Lighting; Michael Ben-Eli; Novica;Pitman Family Farms; Project 7 – Products for Good; Rare Form; Recology; Rodrigo Alonso; Singing Frogs Farms; Sustainability in Practice; Tom Bowman; Trash 4 Teaching; UC Santa Barbara Environmental Affairs Board; and William McDonough.
The event is sponsored by Buchanan High School and CART and is open to the public with paid registration. Included with registration is breakfast and lunch, an alternative energy car display, vendors, the keynote address, panel discussions, workshops and admission to the induction ceremony. Because the location is a high school campus, students will make presentations on their energy and environmental projects and will be able to attend the event.
General admission for the conference and induction ceremony, which includes breakfast and lunch is $50 and $35 for senior citizens or veterans. IGIHOF was founded in 2008 and has recognized over 300 people and organizations for excellence, innovation and pioneering work in the green industry. IGIHOF is a non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing excellence in the green industry and providing an educational platform for the general public. IGIHOF is 100% volunteer based with zero overhead, which allows us to allocate all support to our mission – recognition and education.
To learn more about International Green Industry Hall of Fame and register for the conference, please visit
About International Green Industry Hall Of Fame
Founded in 2008, the International Green Industry Hall of Fame (IGIHOF) is an international organization that recognizes excellence in the green industry and continues to build an educational platform for the next generation. Each year, IGIHOF recognizes individuals and organizations that have contributed to reducing the environmental effects from industrial production, have embraced green technology to drive projects or have developed products aimed at boosting energy efficiency, trimming waste, and reducing or eliminating the use or the production of harmful substances. IGIHOF preserves the rich history of these pioneers, leaders and visionaries through the International Green Industry Hall of Fame, and honors the efforts they have made for future generations. Visit for more information.