Meet the SIP Farmers: Erin Amaral
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Meet the SIP Farmers: Erin Amaral

January 7, 2013

Erin Amaral, Viticulturalist, Pacific Vineyard Company.Erin Amaral, Pacific Vineyard Company

Classic Rock or Classic Country? Classic Rock! Even now Aerosmith is considered classic!

Favorite spot in the vineyard? If you are daring enough… there is a hill top in the vineyard in which you can feel the vortex and hear the swirl of the wind from the jets flying into the San Luis Obispo airport.

Best tip for surviving the “Roller Coaster They Call Farming”? Every season has it’s own twists and turns and it’s best to flow with the “Coaster” and get the most thrill out of all the drops and climbs. If you fight it, you can end up with a huge neck ache.

Red or White or …? White for a refreshment and red for warmth

When you’re not farming, where would we find you? Out on the open roads enjoying my bike and riding for charity. Trail running is also beginning to peak my interests. If I want to take in nature a little slower, hiking. 🙂

Wranglers or Levis? Best of both worlds! There is an occasion for Wranglers and an occasion for Levis.

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us? SIP rocks!!