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March 29, 2011

It never fails to amaze me how much better fresh produce tastes! I have done my share of gardening but my current residence is, to say the least, less than hospitable to edible plant production. Now I do love farmers’ markets, but never seem to execute a trip before a desperate run to the grocery store is made. So, I have turned to the CSA box. For me this is the best of both worlds; farmers market freshness on a schedule plus a little forced variety.

Recently I was turned on to Rutiz Family Farms, a local Arroyo Grande sustainable ranch and market stand that I am practically giddy over. One of the coolest things about the Rutiz program is that you do not need to prepay a subscription. An email is sent out each Tuesday listing what will be in the box that week (plus cooking suggestions, announcements, and prices of other stand produce). You simply need to decide by Thursday evening whether or not your fridge needs stocking, email in the affirmative, and pick up on Friday.

Local family farming

Although I am itching for tomatoes, cool season crops have been treating me well. Sugar snap peas are lucky if they make it into a pan before they are all consumed raw, fresh spearmint made lovely tea, spinach always goes to good use, baby artichokes may be a new house favorite, “Italian sprouting” baby broccoli is fine fare, and my forced variety: radishes.

Each Tuesday evening you will find me with an ear aimed at my smart phone, waiting to hear the notification that says, “yes, the Rutiz weekly e-newsletter has arrived!” I look forward to more Tuesdays, pick up Fridays, and seasonal produce all year long.